My Bio
Hello everyone, welcome to my e-portfolio.
My name is Laura Taylor, I am an Australian international student-athlete studying at Weber State University in the United States of America, majoring in Professional Sales whilst competing at the Division 1 level in basketball. I have also graduated from Northwest Florida State College with an Associate Degree in Arts and won a NJCAA National Title, State Championship and back to back Conference championships. I have been on the All-American Academic teams for Freshman and Sophomore years and received an Academic Excellence award at Weber State University. I am a very family oriented, bubbly, understanding, mature, passionate and determined person and I cannot wait to see where this major and internship takes me.
My Story
I love basketball so much and wanted to experience the once in a lifetime opportunity to play and complete school at the same time at a Division One level. When that opportunity came up and I was offered to play at a Division one Junior College (NJCAA) level I took it with both hands and embraced all they had to offer to grow both on and off court. I transitioned from Northwest Florida State College where I graduated with an Associate Degree in Arts to an NCAA Division One program where I had to make the big decision of what major I would be declaring at Weber State Unversity.
I have also been interested in being around people and I love doing all I can to help and this is when Professional Sales was brought to my attention. My first response was no, due to the negative perception of Salespeople, and clients thinking that some salespeople can be pushy, rude. manipulative and untrustworthy and I did not want to be associated with that. However, I was quite surprised when I was told that Professional Sales students are taught to use a different approach and also that this bachelor degree would help me in so many different avenues and that you can work your way up to the level of job you want to reach.
Choosing Professional Sales has changed my view on sales overall and I feel as though some people really do hold their power and use it to their advantage rather than putting the customer first which is an extremely important rule to hold at a high standard. Professional Sales has helped me to understand how the sales field can be used in a rewarding and positive way not to mention the growth both personally but in the Professional Sales industry as a whole. Professional Sales if done correctly can help the customer experience, increase sales, revenue and exposure all based upon practicing the correct ethics, attitude and knowledge to use when speaking to a client.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
+1 (850)-842-9365